
Panduan Bikin Klepon yang Mudah Paling Populer

Kumpulan Resep Kue Jajajan Indonesia Enak Lezat, Mudah dan Enak.

Apa kabar Sobat pada kesempatan kali ini Kami akan berbagi resep cara membuat Klepon lezat yang bisa Sobat coba

Resep cara membuat Klepon. Klepon (pronounced Klē-pon), or kelepon, is a traditional Southeast Asian green-coloured balls of rice cake filled with liquid palm sugar and coated in grated coconut, originating from Indonesia. The sweet glutinous rice balls is one of popular Indonesian kue, and it is commonly found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. The klepon is done, when they float to the surface.

Cara Membuat Klepon Mudah

resep cara mengolah Klepon I have some leftover roasted shredded coconut so I mix that through the white coconut flakes too. Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue) Klepon is one of market munchies, famous in Indonesia and neighboring countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei). When I was growing up, some also call this onde-onde, even though most people living in Java island would associate onde-onde with another type of snack/dessert. Cara membuat Klepon yang lezat ini hanya menggunakan 9 bahan saja dan cukup memerlukan 5 langkah. Berikut resep mengenai cara buat Klepon selengkapnya yang dapat kalian coba.

Bahan-Bahan Resep Klepon yang Cepat

Bahan yang diperlukan :

  1. Silahkan siapkan 15 gr of Tepung Beras/Rice Flour.
  2. Silahkan siapkan 100 gr of Tepung Ketan Putih/White Glutinous Rice Flour.
  3. Silahkan siapkan of Pasta Pandan/Pandan Leave Paste 1/2 Tea Spoon.
  4. Silahkan siapkan 100 ml of Air Hangat/Medium Hot Water.
  5. Silahkan siapkan of Garam/Salt 1/4 Tea Spoon.
  6. Silahkan siapkan 75 gr of Kelapa Parut Putihnya Saja/Grated Peeled Coconut.
  7. Silahkan siapkan of Daun Pandan/ Pandan Leaves 1 Lembar//1 Leaves untuk Air Merebus.
  8. Silahkan siapkan of Air /Water 1.000 ml Untuk Merebus Adonan ///To Boil the Dough.
  9. Silahkan siapkan 75 gr of Gula Aren/Palm Sugar.

Klepon (sweet, Stuffed Rice Balls): The first time I tried Klepon I couldn't stop eating them; the chewy rice body coated in coconut with a sweet surprise in the center. Klepon are traditionally an Indonesian dessert (though I learned about them in Taiwan). Recipe: Klepon - Sweet rice balls stuffed with palm sugar. Klepon are Indonesian style rice balls, stuffed with palm sugar.

Panduan Resep Klepon yang Enak

Silahkan Sobat simak panduan cara mengolah Klepon berikut ini :

  1. Kukus Kelapa Parut Putihnya Aja campur dengan Garam bingkus dengan daun Pisang lalu Kukus Selama 15 Menit Api Sedang bila sudah Matang Angkat dan Istirahatkan/////Grated White Steamed Coconut Mix with Salt Packed with Banana Leaves then Steam for 15 Minutes Medium Fire when Ripe Lift and Rest .
  2. Rebus Air Campur dengan Pasta Pandan aduk hingga rata dan mendidih lalu istirahat kan sampai hangat kuku..///// Boil Water Mix with Pandan Paste, stir until smooth and boil then rest right until the nails warm...
  3. Buat Adonan:Campur Tepung Beras dengan Tepung Ketan Putih lalu Campur juga Air Rebusan Pasta Pandan..Uleni hingga Kalis dan Padat..Lalu Ambil Adonan tadi Pipihkan Dan isi dengan Gula Aren sesuai selera Kemudian Bulat kan jangan sampai ada yang Bolong /////Make the Dough: Mix Rice Flour with White Glutinous Flour and then Mix the Pandan Paste Stewing Water... Use the Dough to Smooth and Solid... Then Take the Dough Flat and Fill with Palm Sugar according to taste.
  4. Lalu Adonan Rebus dengan Air Mendidih Rebus juga di dalam rebusan Daun Pandan 1 Lembar bila sudah mengapung angkat kurang lebih 13 Menit Api Sedang/////Then Boil the Dough with Boiling Water Boil also in the Pandan Leaves 1 Sheet decoction if it has floated lift it is approximately 13 Minutes Medium Fire.
  5. Gulingkan Adonan Klepon Rebus tadi ke Kelapa Parut Kukus lalu sajikan dan Selamat Menikmati..///Roll the boiled Klepon mixture into the Grated Coconut and serve and Enjoy..

Not only is klepon very delicious alongside your cup of tea or as a nice dessert after your lush rice table, but it also looks pretty good. Arrange the klepon on a surface sprinkled with rice flour to prevent sticking. Bring a pan of water to a boil, lower the heat to a gentle boil, and drop in the klepon. What you must know about Klepon cake. This snack is often a menu at Indonesian-Dutch restaurants and also ethnic Chinese.